doctor sitting at desk
Helpful Medical Links
American Cancer SocietyMedicare
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - (Has an index where you can search for any disease.)
Mayo Clinic - (Index to tests and procedures)
American Stroke Association
FoodBank Locator, Texas Food Banks
Texas DSHS, Immunization Registry
Your Texas Benefits - (For state benefits of Medicaid, food stamps, etc.)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
2-1-1, Call Center Search
Diabetes Information
Information on Vaccinations
Diets for Better Health
Information on Heart Disease
Public Health Careers in Texas
Healthcare Research Center

Online Health Search Engine
Stamford Health Clinic understands the desire family members and patients have to conduct online health research. Below you will find a research library to tens of thousands of health sources where you may read and examine health topics of interest to you. The program includes the Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary, A research engine, and The FastNurse Personal Research Service as well as other interesting components.Though your doctor is the best source of accurate information this online educational library of comparative health information links gives you a starting point for research so you do not have to turn to other popular search engines.
Begin Your Search Below:
Click here for online health dictionaryClick here for general health research
FastNurse personal research coordinator
Research top health conditions